Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 74,462    [ Give / Take ]


65 entries this month


06:08 Jan 31 2010
Times Read: 1,231



04:05 Jan 31 2010
Times Read: 1,246




22:48 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 1,277

Ok- note to self... DO not rent to one of the State Road Dept. salt truch drivers ever again. At least on the same street.

*goes out and yells as he drives up the hill ... again*

Stop doing that!! I want the snow on the road god darn it!




23:01 Jan 30 2010

Until some young inexperienced kid decides to play on the slippery roads and is headed towards the big truck you're in (uncontrollably).

23:04 Jan 30 2010

Well... you had to come and ruin my rage, didn't ya Bones?


Fine. Clear the roads. :P

23:16 Jan 30 2010

8 inchs. :) We have not had snow this deep since 1993.

Think- 17 years since we have had this good of a snow storm. I want to enjoy it.. darn it.

23:39 Jan 30 2010

I have over 8 inches for you to play with here (Snow, we're talking about snow, VW)! ;p

I need to move further South.

00:01 Jan 31 2010

ROFL... you are one evil evil man to tease me such. ;)

03:03 Jan 31 2010

Snow? What's that?


20:32 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 1,302

So the bats under our names show how many years we been on the site?


Nice. :)



21:02 Jan 30 2010

to bad I deleted the first profile it would show 4 years ^^, would be nice

but tis ok.

Now where are those cheese cookies?

21:45 Jan 30 2010

I really like it being there!

*hugs* It would have took me a couple of days to notice without seeing your journal! Thank you!


19:53 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 1,308

Nothing like the scent of a whole chicken in the roster, the mixture of rosemary, lemon and onion scent fills the air. Salad is made, pototoes are waiting to cut up and roast in the oven, last few mintures the cherry tomatoes and carrots will be added. Yummy.

Mmmm...hurry up 4:30... hurry up.



20:07 Jan 30 2010

yes, rosemary chicken, love it


18:37 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 1,319

Remember the show “Who’s line is it Anyway?” I always loved the part where they would do the late night ad for a music album, leaving the one guy to come up with a song. Lead me to think of a VampireRave album.

*pictures Nightgame, Elemental, and I sitting at a table*

Elemental “Hello there. We will get you right back to the interesting show on sewer slugs but first we wanted to share with you the wonders of VampireRave music. Isn’t that right VampireWitch?”

“That is right. Who doesn’t enjoy music about the site? From the head banging beats that makes you want to turn up the music so loud your mother yelling down those basement stairs can’t even be heard...” Nightgame chimes in “And the soft loving sound that makes you just want to bite someone’s neck. Yes sir- we have them all. Let’s listen to a few of them right now. So Elemental- why don’t you start us off with some Rap.”

Nightgame and VampireWitch looks at Elemental, who’s eyes have gone wide. “Rap?” “Rap” both Nightgame and VW return in union, smiling as VW points her to the mica a few feet away. Elemental stands as a Rap rhythm starts in the background. “She is so going to kill us for this.” Nightgame whispers to VW. Elemental steps up to the mica, and she starts to move to the best.

“My name is Elemental and you need to listen

ta what I got ta say

Come one come all to the VampireRave.

We got covens, houses and mentors too

There is always plenty for you to do.

Level up by turning the page

Spend time learning

of the dark embrace.”

*makes spitting sound into her hand as she grabs her crotch, ending with a slump back pose*

Nightgame and VW breaks out in laughter as she returns to the table, slapping her own chest and going “Own it bitchs!” as she sits down. She then turn to the camera and gets a little payback. “I think we need to move on to my own favorite style of music- Country. And no one better then VW can sing that.” She looks at VW who she knows dislikes country music. “Oh no…” “Oh yes. Get out there!” Nightgame gives VW a push out of the chair. She slowly walks to the mica as the music starts, the old time country music with a guitar, bingo. It is the Beverly Hillbillies song.

“Come and listen to a story about a man named Cancer

Genies with the computer, he had time on his hands,

Then one day he was playing with his keyboard,

And up through the codes came Vampire Rave.

Vampires that is, Blood suckers, energy drainers.

Well the first thing you know ol' Cancer a millionaire,

Kinfolk said Cancer you are one strange dude

Said mental ward is the place you ought to be

But he keep to his guns and look at what he has now

DarkNetwork, that is.

Vampires, and he is a rock star.”

*Claps from the judges, bows from VW as she walks back to the table to pass the fun on. “Now lets move along to my favorite music. And that is POP. Nothing like a great song to get the blood flowing.” “Even more on a Vampire site.” Nightgame adds in. “That is right. Reason our very own Nightgame is going to show us how it is done. Hit it Nightgame!”

Nightgame gets pushed out of her chair as the music from the song Dirty Pop by N Sync starts.

“I'm sick and tired of hearin' all these Vampires talk about

What's the sparkle shit with this Edward dude and when is it gonna fade out?

The thing you've got to realize what we are not trend

We got the gift of sucking, we're gonna bring it 'till the end (come on now)

It dosen't matter

'Bout the stakes, what' garlic is around your neck

All that matters

Is that you treat me with respect

It dosen't matter

'Bout the cross you wear, the begging that you do

All that matters

Is that you’re going to bleed and we'll do it to you everytime (come on now)

Do you ever wonder why

Vampires gets you high

They take you on a ride

you feel it when your

Body starts to grow cold

And baby we can't stop

And we are all you got

This must be a Vampire!”

Nightgame bows to the claps of the her two friends as she come to join them at the table again. “So we have had County, Rap, Pop. Now let’s move on with…” VW pauses and Nightgame takes her seat with the words of “ another PoP song.” They both turn to Elemental. “It is your turn.” VW says. “Fine.” She growls, standing to the sound of Ricky Martin Livin' La Vida Loca.

“He's into superstitions black bats and heavy liner.

I feel a premonition that he's gonna induct me.

He's into being a coven master in the computer light.

He's got a new addiction for every day and night.

He'll make you level up and post in the forums.

He'll make you earn favors or will use the power to blind,

like a bullet to your brain. Come On!

Upside, inside out he's a coven master

He'll push and pull you to do his bidding

His lips are really black and his skin's the color of ivory

He will own you on Vampire Rave! Come On!

Vampire Rave, Come on!

He's a Coven Master!”

“Bravo!” “Encore!” Elemental gives VW a glare at the encore request. “No.” She takes her seat as Nightgame goes back to the ad. “We all love the site, spend many an hour enjoying chatting, rating, learning of the vampire way. But VampireRave has been known to bring more to people. Yes- there is those who find true love.” Group AHHHH. “At least till they meet in person.” Rat throws out there only to be hushed at Nightgames next words. “And a love song is an important part of that eternal love. Vampirewitch- why don’t you give us a love song.” “Fuck no.” “It is your turn.” Elemental threw back her own words. “Fine then.”

VW stand and walks to the mica as the soft music starts in the background, lights dimming. “Oh come on…really?” she asks the other two, rolling her eyes as two candles are lite at the table.

“I read your journal on VampireRave

And felt as if you seen into my soul.

I know I am a virgin but we are lovers.

You worry about the age difference

With me being thirteen and you a thousand.

When I read you were getting dentures

I worry that you would not be able to feed.

*Bares neck*

Come to me

my skin is soft and tender

come gum on me

in our sweet ecstasy.

don’t worry that you can’t bite

Gum me into ecstasy


VW gives up, laughing as she goes toward the table, lights coming up. “Gum you?” “Hey- I suck at love songs ok?” Elemental blows out the candles as they move on. “Now let’s get it back into a grove with what else but… Head Banging Meatal!” Both turn to Nightgame, who let out a small cuss word and moved to the mica. The heavy music started as Nightgame grab the mica stand, bending a little as she started to scream at the top of her lungs.

“Vampire Rave

For some it is the only way they get laid

Vampire Rave

Look at me wrong and I will


*she glares, one eye goes bigger then the other, then starts to swing head up and down*

Vampire Rave

Hate it?

Suck my *screams*

The music ends and Nightgame moans as one hand moves to her lower back, the other to the back of her neck. The other two join her at the mica as they ended the ad, Elemental checking on Nightgame. “As we end this little taste of our bloody music I think the way we should end it is with a classic song we all love. Staying Alive by the Bee Gees.” The music starts as they crowd around the mica, each taking a turn.

“Well, you can tell by the way I use my fangs,

I'm a woman vampire, no time to talk.

Screams are loud, the blood is hot.

I've been lurking around since I was embraced.

And now it's all right, it's O.K.

And you should run the other way.

We can try to understand

Our sexual effect on mere man.

Learning about my vampire ways

Always have tight ass and perky tits,

Your stayin' alive, stayin' alive.

No illness and porcelain skin

Never age and sleep all day

And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.

Ah, ha, ha, ha,

Stayin' alive.

Stayin' alive.

Ah, ha, ha, ha,

Stayin' alive.


I see a new game at the next meet up.



21:38 Jan 30 2010

ROFLMAO.......OMG.......flies off laughing....looking for tissue to get the tears sliding from the laughter.


13:24 Jan 30 2010
Times Read: 1,343

It snowed!!

They say it is 6 / 7 inchs...will go out to see myself later.

*does a happy dance*




13:27 Jan 30 2010

i'm totally totally totally jealous :(

14:01 Jan 30 2010

I'm so very happy you're thrilled, now it's so cold it won't be able to melt for a week too!

15:56 Jan 30 2010

Ooh your very welcome to it! with the amount we just had id happily not see any for next 5 yrs!!

16:39 Jan 30 2010

Green with envy here! The snow missed our place this weekend and I had stacked up on the pine logs, wine and cashews just incase :(


22:44 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 1,356

Snow update: Well... it is snowing. A little. More like dandruff falling kind of snow.


Time to play with make up. :)




19:05 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 1,365

Yet another service I offer- Keep me awake phone calls. lol Seems I am on the call list for Birdy when she is driving and gets sleepy. It is my job to keep her awake and alert till she gets off her exit.

It is the interstate really- it dulls her mind and she gets sleepy.

My best 'keep awake' trick if I know I have a long night trip ahead is a bag of those HOT Fries chip things. Put the water?pop aside so you will not reach for them and eat a few of those them. It will burn your mouth up, set you on fire, but it wakes you up for about a hour. At least it does me. Rule is not to drink anything afterwards.

Would Birdy do that? lol Uhh...no. She just calls me. lol



23:53 Jan 29 2010

Damn straight! BUT YOU are NOT supposed to YAWN in my EAR!!!!

00:43 Jan 30 2010

I told you... you spread it down the cell waves. LOL


18:38 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 1,370

Big snow storm update: Nothing. Nothingness. Big fat zero.

But the good news is my profile update is done. I might have to keep this one for a while, just replace the two Valentine pictures later.

Snow... blah. I am off to make some soup. At least they got the coldness right.



20:13 Jan 29 2010

I'm not as upset about the lack of snow but the cold just plain hurts :(


14:37 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 1,381

As it is freaking cold out (23) and I worked my butt off to get all the stuff done before the snow.. I am staying home no matter that is isn't snowing. :P

Sis agree there was no reason to heat the office just for me, she can get the phones from the house. And it is not like it takes me half a minute to get to work in case something comes in. (walk down my driveway)

I can work on the paperwork at my nice warm kitchen table as we wait for the snow. I still think it will just snow around us. It is like the brides maid thing... never a bride thing. We never get a good storm. Watch- we will get a dusting, not enough to cover the grass even.




00:37 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 1,402

Sanford and Son song, just fits my mood. Yes I am showing my age. But this song always puts a smile on my face, brings back fun times of my childhood. :P



00:46 Jan 29 2010

That show rocks still.

03:35 Jan 29 2010

Ditto - LOL!


20:29 Jan 28 2010
Times Read: 1,419

Birra bad eyesight is spreading... I swear LadyKrystalynDarkstar kismet said "Undying Love. It is a Rave Thing."

Or I have been at work since 4:00 am.




21:32 Jan 28 2010

LOL Sweetie, you had your eyes last checked When?

00:17 Jan 29 2010

About .... 20 months ago.... ;)

02:09 Jan 29 2010

About 10 months ago you mean......am thinking it is her mind not her eyes that are going.....lol

04:33 Jan 29 2010

nope- it has been longer then that. I had mine a good 2 months before you did. :P


It better snow damn it!

20:20 Jan 28 2010
Times Read: 1,420

Ok- paperwork is out, shipments are picked up...waiting on the last truck to get in and that should be in about 10 mins as they called and told me they was on the way.

Truck is parked to block the wind off mom's front door- she leaves it open when the puppy goes out to pee, worries that something will bother her. *can we say spoiled rotten?*

Food in at my house and Mom/Sister/Brother's home. Gas is in all the cars, full tanks. Even fueled up one pack van just in case.

I got books, candles, flashlight and a big down feather blanket just waiting for me at home.

All the rentals are up and running- water and heat are all working.

I have enough work to take home to keep me busy 1/2 a day Friday, the boys are off work Friday and Monday as no jobs so...

Bring on the SNOW!!

*Sits and looks out the office window at the sunny day with temp at 42*

I think the weather man is just jerking my chain.




20:39 Jan 28 2010

ROFL I was wondering what the heck was going on as I pulled my coat off earlier because it was so warm outside. If the temp drops 30 degrees tonight like they say it will dang it will be rough to adjust tomorrow.

02:11 Jan 29 2010

At least let me get home from Richmond Friday before it starts. Want to be in MY bed this weekend.


02:01 Jan 28 2010
Times Read: 1,431

If you see my picture on your friends list.. it is me reading your computer screen..

*evil laugh*




00:35 Jan 28 2010
Times Read: 1,445

See! I come out of lurking because no other Sentoran is online and I got nailed by him...

*forehead hits keyboard with a bang*



01:28 Jan 28 2010

hehehe bring the "hammer" down huh? hehehe

20:39 Jan 28 2010

I'll bring over the pliers to pull that nail right back out sugar!


22:30 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 1,459

Ok.. pink with brown eyeshadow is not a good look on me...at ALL.

House is clean, laundry is done for the week. :) Snow is coming in Friday. Whoo Hoo! We are trying to get Fridays military job done early, as in all the jobs being done in the morning. Early morning for me.

Thinking today about doing a free profile up for just a day- to see what it is like to be a free member again. I was only one for a few days on this account years ago. Be cool to see the free member layout, be able to answer some help questions better.

Almost got the taxes ready to take to the CPA. About half a day more to do the 1099's and it is done. Another year down.

Rented the house today to a young man and his wife. They are in the mid 20's, with a baby. He has worked his way to manager at one of those oil changing places you pull up to. And she is going to night school. So no more showing of the house on my plate. Yeah! His wife walked in and just stood, him walking around the house and coming back to her. She was still standing just inside the door. "Are you ok?" he asked, me just leaving her alone. "I love that kitchen. I really really hope we get this place as I love that kitchen." lol Good to know the cabinets, counter top me and the cabinet maker designed. I think it is a dream kitchen too- reason I have always loved the house. She finally went and looked at the rest of the house but said the kitchen sold it for her. When sis called them to tell them they got it she said the woman let out a yell. lol Hope they enjoy the home.

ADT is putting the new alarm system in. We have no coverage tonight as they where unable to finish it today but will have it up again in the morning. *cross fingers nothing happens tonight*

Ok...yeap... that was my day. :) And I have no idea why I wrote that out other then it is my journal so.... I can. :P lol



23:08 Jan 27 2010

Repeat after me .. nothing will happen, nothing will happen!

23:48 Jan 27 2010

positive thinking, everything will be prefect and well ^^

02:32 Jan 28 2010

This is an uplifting story. I am glad you rented the house. Can't have anyone better in there .... she loves that kitchen! That means she'll take care of it!


16:08 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 1,492

Went out to meet a man who called about the rental house. He is walking thru the home, looking around, saying he wanted the house. I gave him the application to filled out, asking him if he would want his wife to come look at it.

“She will live where I pay the bills.”

Strike one….

“She has a job?”

“She sits at home with my kids all day, doing nothing.”

Kids are 8 months, and 2 year old.

Strikkkeeee two….

“She got herself knocked up at 15 so we had to get married.”

Oh I see. It is her getting knocked up when it was you doing the knocking. And that is strikeeee three….

And you are OUT OF HERE!

I could just see me doing the umpire arm jester of him being out of the game, and had to smile. That is when he asked if I was married, had kids. Dude… with gems like you out there… why would I want to tie myself down to just one?

“No, and no. So.. How is your credit?” Knowing you will never get the house due to being a jerk. It is known as me putting a “Hell no.” on the application comment box for sister to see.



16:26 Jan 27 2010

vasectomy perhaps? I'll get the scalpel ready

16:31 Jan 27 2010

I hate douchehammers like this.

16:47 Jan 27 2010

Oh Goddess!! LMAO I love it , too bad everyone doesn't do that to jerks like that .man! feel sorry for the kids and wife.

17:29 Jan 27 2010

Good girl, renters like that are a PAIN and end up causing way more headache than they are worth..

20:22 Jan 27 2010

Hope you did tell him he wasnt getting the house and to go rent elsewhere...

21:24 Jan 27 2010

Urgh what a pig, poor wife and children, prob why i stay single, too many men like that im afraid!!

21:25 Jan 27 2010

But I am sure he would have been such a JOY to work with....you being a female landlord and all. :)

23:07 Jan 27 2010

You're going to have to take this show on the road sugar, it'll break box office records!


14:33 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 1,501

Oh hell.. I posted in the Main Forum. What the hell is wrong with me?

*hand to forehead to feel if hot*

Agggg.... I need chocolate.

At least it wasn't the sandbox so... I am cool.




14:45 Jan 27 2010

The rat must be sick... :o

16:24 Jan 27 2010

-gets hypospray ready- where to I sitck ?

16:50 Jan 27 2010

hey whats wrong with the Sandbox ,? we has fun!! I bring cheese!

17:01 Jan 27 2010

Your symptoms remind me of something I read the other day. In some cultures, people believe that the insane have been touched by the hand of God.

Seems to me like the Lord has been real touchy feely round your place lately...just sayin.


22:47 Jan 26 2010
Times Read: 1,505

What do you mean I have reached the 200 picture limit of the portfolio? That is not right...no way in hell is that right. I mean..rows..counting per row...


Holly hell I have.


Well that blows.




18:01 Jan 26 2010
Times Read: 1,521

You know... I don't mind doing the books...untill I can't find that freaking ass $1.09 that they are off.

It is either pull hair time or some rum in the coke....

And I ain't got much hair left after the hair cut so...

Come to mommy rum bottle.

*sneaks it out of her desk drawer*




18:06 Jan 26 2010

*peeks over shoulder*

Did you say rum?

18:26 Jan 26 2010

ok you said rum where,s the coke? I don't see any?

18:28 Jan 26 2010

Damn, I'm still working on coffee.

18:34 Jan 26 2010

Good lord.. one little word about rum and all of you show up. lol

*hides it in front of her*

Uhh...I did not say rum. I said...tums. I need tums.



03:00 Jan 26 2010
Times Read: 1,547

Oh wow... rated a new member a 6. She gave me a 1. And blocked me.


That is a first for me.


Ok- off to bed.



03:20 Jan 26 2010

Think my Rat isn't scary enough, lol. Wow, usually people are intimidated by the big bad sentorans lmao...They don't usually pull that with admins, rofl...Maybe Rat needs a scary makeover to scare the whelps...*Hands Rat a big roll of her favorite cheese and gives her a big Wolfy lick and grins*

15:30 Jan 26 2010

Yea, the pics just don't make ya look mean enough...try harder.


21:56 Jan 25 2010
Times Read: 1,559

I love this song- Stranger In My Skin by Christine Dente. Only place I can find it is youtube, so turn it up, don't watch the video. It is such a touching song, speaks to you in a way.




19:10 Jan 25 2010
Times Read: 1,574

Call from my mom a second ago. She tells me in a weak voice that she is cold. Now she is alone in the house as my sister is out taking my brother to his Dr. Apt. "Why are you cold mommy? Is the heat not working?" "The front door is blown open and I can't get up to close it." WTH? "I am on the way right now."

Step out of the office door and am hit with a strong cold freaking wind, mix of snow and ice. Walk to Mom's and sure enough- her wooden front door is open wide, the screen flapping in the wind open and close.

Brother did not close it good enough when he left and she said it blew open right after they left. Thing is... that was over a hour ago.


"Mom- why did you not call me? You sat here in the cold for that long?" "I did not want to bother anyone..."

I put an extra blanket on her, turned her heat up, and closing the office down to sit with her till sis gets home from the Dr, store.

It is just not right for her to be alone. Screw the paperwork I was working on. Moms are more important in my book.



19:45 Jan 25 2010

That they are Sis.

20:01 Jan 25 2010

Damn straight they are more important. *Hugs* You are a wonderful daughter.

21:19 Jan 25 2010

You know how I feel sugar but I hate she waited so long before calling you. Now you get to worry if she'll get sick from it. :(

23:05 Jan 25 2010

Indeed they are!

16:30 Jan 26 2010

Ok did ya smack him upside the head and tell him to make sure the door was closed tight next time.

16:16 Jan 27 2010

its so sad.... our parents raised us and provided for us, but when they get older and need the same in return, they are afraid to bother us....



22:26 Jan 24 2010
Times Read: 1,591



01:38 Jan 23 2010
Times Read: 1,627

Sitting here and thinking of something Birdy told me tonight. I am not mad, more stun really, kind of pissed. Like anything with me- let me start at the beginning so you can follow this. At Christmas Birdy sends out a letter to let her family, friends know what the year was for her, sort of a catch up letter of her life the last year. I was honored enough that she put three pictures I did of her this year, wild make up and all. It took guts as I know her family did not like those pictures, the fantasy make up too over the top for them. Nothing too wild I though- tribal, mermaid, and a cat eye/ red lipstick classic look.

Then in come into this is a lady I meet once named Connie. She is a hair stylist who works for a beauty shop in the next town. She loved the pictures, even had it taped to the side of her station at the shop, and asked Birdy if she could ask if I would do the make-up and before/after pictures for a few models. They would want to use them on their website. I was excited to hear this, really wanted the challenge. The looks that Birdy did was a group effort between us both, the mermaid one taking a few weeks to get the props together even. But this… This was with models I knew nothing about, faces I never worked on. Photos are second to me in a way with these shoots- like I spend an hour on the make up, ten minutes on the picture. I was getting nervous even about the pictures… guess she would want it done at the shop? What kind of light? Background?

I was looking forward to the challenge. Pay? They were offering to do my hair a few times to pay me. I was fine with that even, as I do this more for fun then money. And it would be the start of my portfolio. Yes- I have decided to make one of those for my nature pictures and make up looks. So I told her I would be out of town for some of the month, but when she got ready to let me know.

Now Birdy can back me up on this- the more I was thinking of it, of what they were asking of me, the more I doubted if I wanted to do it. Why? They were going to put this on their website. Were they going to sell the make up service? They were going to do the hair in the pictures…but really that was it. How do they plan to handle the customer who wanted the look? Cosmetology. They should do the make up, right? It is part of their training. And for the record- I am not trained nor have any licenses to do make up. I just love doing it. What if one of the models has a bad reaction to a make up I use on her? They open up to a lot or problems that could come up, as do I. Yes- it is the way I am and you have to think of this stuff.

So I left it alone- half wanting to do it, but knowing another talk would have to be done to address my issues. In other words… it will not happen. I also know I need to go to school, get my licenses so if this comes up again I can do it. All is good, right?

Then tonight Birdy tells me of an email she got form Danna. Danna is a friend of ours from years ago, moving back in town a few years back. She is a professional photographer, winning awards. She is an author. But she is also very…well…unsupportive. She has told me more then once that she is the “Official Photographer” of Camp Wildcat, will not put any pictures but her own on the website when I went to the event and just took pictures for the fun of it. I don’t know if she is that worried about me or what. She answers any questions I have asked, sent me websites to learn from, articles on how to take this or that picture. She just has an attitude most times with me about taking pictures. I try to understand why- she is a totally different photographer then me. She is more structure, newspaper, print type style. She is the kind that takes formal head shots, while I take fun shoots. I like to play, to make it not so stiff. She puts pet’s pictures she takes in cute wicker baskets using photoshop- I try to catch the puppy asleep, legs up in the air, tongue sticking out of the side. We have different styles. Neither is right or wrong. I understand that- she treats me like she can’t understand that. I am not competing with her as I would loose. Side by side- she is the better photographer.

I tell you this so you will see my …anger? Pissed off? Have to laugh?... at the email. Seems Danna is offering a few of her good friends a deal on glamour shots. They are going to be taken at Connie’s beauty shop…same one I was offered. They start at $45.00 and hair and make up is going to be done.

Well….ok. I asked Birdy what she was going to do. She said nothing as if she wanted a glamour shot I could do it for her. Got to give it to Birdy- she stands by you. I know this is what the beauty shop should of done- make up and hair. But … Danna doing glamour shots? Huh. Someone has to come up with the style, the theme, the imagination it takes to do this. When I say Danna is an author it is history research books. She really does not have any imagination that she shows. Now don’t get me wrong- I wish them the best, that Danna makes lots of money and gets what she wants out of it. Really I do. Just kind of gets me mad that I never got told they changed their mind, that Danna did what she did, and that they took the idea off my pictures that was in Bird’s letter to start with. Yes- glamour shots are not new; yes Danna is a trained professional. And yes- the make up should be done by a trained person who is offering the service to customers.

Still just gets me pissed a little. I know- stupid, right? Anyway. Cat is looking up what it will take to get a night class for me, any in the area. While I have no desire to do nails or hair styles but I guess that is part of the deal. I may even throw in a photo class for the hell of it, if I can afford it. And the next time Danna ask me what I think of her photos- I will tell the truth. Like the dog in the tin pail- tech it is great photo shop but the picture is lacking life, spark of the pet, feelings. If she asks me to have a glamour shot done by her I will say Thanks, but no thanks. And if she asks me what I think of her doing them I will say it is easy to copy others. Yes- it is time I stop worrying about her feelings. I am done stepping on egg shells around her and putting up with the attitude she throws out around me.

Yeap- lesson learned. I am not the best at what I do in make-up or photos. But I also am not the worst either. Time to not let her talk down to me and say what I think when she brags about this. And trust me- she will. And she might have every right to do so. I will wait to see the pictures, make up before I judge.

I know- one breath I am wishing them the best, the next I don't think she can do it, wonder at the make-up look. Guess that is the mood I am in. But mostly I have to laugh. :)



02:03 Jan 23 2010

I'm beating on your door for my pictures too :)

02:40 Jan 23 2010

That was extremely rude of Connie and then for Danna to write and brag about it seems like she is thumbing her nose at you. Its obvious she feels threatened by you in some way. Let her have it with a dose of honesty...

03:45 Jan 23 2010

Ok ,I Get what your Saying but If they used your Pictures for someone else TO make money off of And your " Friend" Was Paid To Do what they already ask you to do I think I would tell them they didn't have the right to use them for someone else And Seeing as they did the could pay me For my work Seeing as they paid her. Your time is just as valuable as her,s is. Do Not sell Yourself short.

01:36 Jan 24 2010

You are awesome. Don't let anyone bring you down


Just saying....

22:33 Jan 22 2010
Times Read: 1,643

Why get bitchy with me when you and your boyfriend have bad credit? Do you not understand what a credit cheek is? Do you not understand I can see how late you are on payments, car, cell, uility, medical, credit card? You are just above 500 rating and get mad because I will not let you rent my house? You live with parents, new to jobs in town...credit follows you. "So what will it take to get in the house?" You demand of me. "About $200,000.00 cash." Well that just set her off. *sigh*

Sis had a flat tire, guys had a little truck trouble today so I got to deal with the garage again. And the alarm system is still not in yet, waiting on the control board to come in. Had a woman call me who wanted moved for nothing...sorry we only do that on days that end with F. She never got it... I had to tell her I was joking. She said I was not funny. Gosh.... I did stop myself from saying I will move you for nothing on the day that ends with Fuck You...is that funny now? That was what was going around in my head. Inside voice...inside.

AND I went to go get my hair cut, glasses off so I could not see what she was doing....and the lady ruined it. I look like a boy with a buzz cut. Really- she even ruined the front. God damn it. I don't know how anyone could ruin my hair. "Same style- just cut off a inch." What the hell? It looks nothing like I walked in with.

THEN... what the hell is it with the bag boys at Krogers? One item to a bag? What the hell is that? I mean... bread- one bag. Chicken- one bag. Onion- one bag. Ranch Dressing- one bag. Light bulbs- one bag. What? Does the bag company get you to the side and pay you to waste bags? "Here boy..you use all the bags you can and I will give you a little extra." All fine till I have to carry them in, unbag the suckers.


Ok ok... nice dinner with Birdy then I am going to have a drink. Or two. Maybe three...it is Friday so screw it...I get to sleep in.



22:46 Jan 22 2010

I love my inside voice too hehehe, she just can't stop talking otuloud sometimes hehehe

23:56 Jan 22 2010


As for the cut, please let her manager know so she can get more training.

00:16 Jan 23 2010

They bag that way to make you crazy enough to buy those cheap reusable bags they push.


00:07 Jan 22 2010
Times Read: 1,669

House asked for some pictures of the meet up, group shots. Wonder of me taking pictures... I don't have to be in them. :P Here are a few I did take, and what we did each day.

Ok... here is a few. :)

Birdy at peace on the beach- Friday.

Sat it rained all day. Wanted to keep in the dry, poor FM sick. So we did the tour. Note the plastic window covers to keep the cold and rain out. Brrr... still cold and wet. But we did shop a little on the Riverfront thanks to some wonderful umbrellas. (gives FM a look and laughs). Also visit a wonderful church- St. John's. I got some really cool pictures of the stain glass windows that I will share soon. We had a great dinner, went in early and watched a movie. Poor FM- stuck with these old party poops. LOL We was ready for bed by 11:00 each night, up at 8:30- 9:00 am. Sorry FM. ;)

Then we have sunny Sunday. Started with a WONDERFUL brunch at Paula Deans, spending a few hours at Bonaventure graveyard, FM wanted to see the beach so we went back to the beach, having to twist Birdy's arm to go. ;) Ended up watching the sunset, shared the wonder of the beauty. We also got to watch some wind surfers. Men in wetsuits...yeah baby! lol Then it was back to town to go to a church, listen to some chants.

And to share with you what we was watching...



00:16 Jan 22 2010

Awesome :)

00:21 Jan 22 2010

Wonderful glimpse into your weekend :)

00:23 Jan 22 2010

YAY :)

01:27 Jan 22 2010

Birdy looks so relaxed and the sunset is just beautiful!

01:38 Jan 22 2010

I want that feeling HERE......or be THERE.. loved it. :)


22:53 Jan 21 2010
Times Read: 1,679

Went outside this morning on the way to work around 6:45am and was stun to see two deers, both doe, in my driveway. They moved into my yard as I walked slowly toward them, then running off down by the buildings. It was great as the sun was not out yet, just black shadows running off.

Then on the way home- the rain had finally stop enough to bring out a rainbow. :)

Been a good day for me.



22:57 Jan 21 2010

yea for good days :)

23:07 Jan 21 2010

What a nice way to start the day!



01:03 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 1,702



23:14 Jan 19 2010
Times Read: 1,724

After driving all night and into the morning Birdy and I slept in. When we did get up we went to Tybee Island. Wow- just wow. Small, quiet, peaceful place with little crowd. We even got to see some dolphins playing about 10 feet from the shore.

This is how we spent Friday... hours on the beach, nice lunch seaside, then back to just being silent and sitting on the beach. :)



23:18 Jan 19 2010

That's exactly the way I remember the area :)

23:23 Jan 19 2010

I'm so envious of you both but how did you keep Birdie from scooping up all those shells

23:28 Jan 19 2010

I don't think she picked any of them. :) She spent more time on the bench, swing and chilling out. We both needed some down time- wonderful place for it.

Images- this weekend I am going to edit the pictures from the Cathedral of St. John. Loved the place. :)

00:31 Jan 20 2010

Beautiful !!

08:11 Jan 20 2010

Awesome pictures sis!!!


16:18 Jan 19 2010
Times Read: 1,767

Rate/ comment on my profile:


| Block |

Date: 20:58:52 - Jan 19 2010

Rating: 2


Are you a male or a female ?


Honey- if I am a male then DAMN I am good with the make up. But then... I have seen some hot ass Drag Queens. They do the BEST make up looks.




17:44 Jan 19 2010

She got you too huh

17:49 Jan 19 2010

Wow......she needs bitch-slapped.

17:53 Jan 19 2010

Wow. Oh gosh. What an insult.

18:03 Jan 19 2010

Honey, she,s just Jealous because she doesn't look that good .

18:22 Jan 19 2010

I guess she skipped over that part of your profile.

Smithers, release the hounds!

18:37 Jan 19 2010

*Thinks I may have to pay her a visit*

19:03 Jan 19 2010

lmfao i'm speechless

19:56 Jan 19 2010

Well VW Guess Were in the same Boat , I was Just Called A "cunt" and Ugly and Weak and Fake , Dang All Four ,I,m So Wounded. I just might need a transfusion .

20:15 Jan 19 2010

Ahhh... so it is Happy Happy Troll day! :) Really? And notice I said nothing about the picture she has up.

Yeah... notice that...*pats self on back* :)

21:50 Jan 19 2010

You'd be the prettiest boy i've ever seen. . . . Mindless insult, is all it is.

20:50 Jan 21 2010

lol profile suspended for infinity!

23:08 Jan 21 2010

OMG...what is with this woman?

She appears to be making a lot of enemies here!


02:05 Jan 19 2010
Times Read: 1,779

*Rat comes in dragging her bags, dropping them as she sees the one thing she did miss…her bed. Taking a leap she lands in the middle, hugging her pillows to her, snuggles in for sleep, mumbles as she enjoys her bed for a few seconds…*

Birdy and I am home safe. Great time was had by Birdy and I, FaerieMoon am still the awesome woman she was when we first meet.

Paula Deans, got suckered into a bait and switch at the church, beach, sunsets, dolphins, birds, deer, laughter, drinks, graveyard, moss on the trees, fountains,

Great time…so relaxed.


Now need sleep...must sleep.



11:25 Jan 19 2010

Yipee I'm so tickled ya'll had a great time and even happier to have you both back home safe and sound. *hugs*


19:54 Jan 14 2010
Times Read: 1,808

I am off. :) Sooo looking forward to meeting Bull and his lovely wife. And to seeing faeriemoon again, even if she is sick. :P

And spending some time with Birdy even.

With no computer so... bye guys. Don't let me come back to nipples all over the place. lol

Be back late Monday or Tuesday.


*Hangs the sign out on her rat door*

Gone to bring VampireRave House Eternal to Savanah. ;)



19:58 Jan 14 2010

Have an awesome time! I truly enjoyed visiting Savannah many times back in 1992.

20:01 Jan 14 2010

be safe and have fun.... hmmm nipples, what if they are slippery?

20:26 Jan 14 2010

Have a great time!!!! :D

20:55 Jan 14 2010

You have a good time or I'll tp your house! I do know where you live you know? :)

00:05 Jan 15 2010

Bye Sweetie, Have Fun And I,ll Keep a Sharp eye On Wild Child And Report Back to you when You get back.

13:55 Jan 16 2010

Ah lucky!

Have fun!


16:49 Jan 14 2010
Times Read: 1,826

Why? Why do you do that? You are sitting at your desk and eating a few of my Dove candies. You unwrap them...then put the empty wrapper right back in the bag. Why? There is a trash can right beside you. RIGHT BESIDE YOU.

*sits and watchs her sister work on payroll taxes*




18:25 Jan 14 2010

want to borrow my ball bat?


12:15 Jan 14 2010
Times Read: 1,835

Just got a call from sis- mom and her had a bad night. A well known business man got killed yesterday in a house fire in our town and it has upset us all.

He was 92? and in a wheelchair.

His son who lived with him was unable to get him out so he burned in the home.

Mom is in a wheelchair. and sis is not of the best of health.

Just been a sad night for us all. I could not sleep- really really bad dreams.




18:25 Jan 14 2010

It really was a shock and scary too for your mom :(


00:57 Jan 14 2010
Times Read: 1,853

Packing for a trip- House Eternal Meet Up!!


Zoo animals are taking it on the road!



01:14 Jan 14 2010

I hope you take pictures! ^.^

01:21 Jan 14 2010

You be safe and take lots and lots of pictures :)

01:24 Jan 14 2010

lol, Oh Goddess ,I will alert the Zoo Keepers.

01:30 Jan 14 2010

Lots and LOTS of pictures k?

*heh I'm funny :P *


15:42 Jan 13 2010
Times Read: 1,870

Watching the show Paranormal State last night and saw a ad for the newest paranormal show. Can’t remember the name but it is three police officers and they are going to bust the ghost, or so the ad plays off their profession.

Ok- I have to ask…how is this going to work?

*Casper the ghost being dragged out of a haunted house*

“Hey man! Let me go! I wasn’t hurting anyone.” “Tell that to Wendy. She is going to have a little ghost in 9 months.” “Hey…what can I say- the girl is kinky.” “Well the death due you part is not going to happen.”

*Casper gets pushed into the waiting copy car, the handcuffs glowing on his little white wrist*

“You can’t keep me copper. I have rights! I am the ghost everyone loves!” “You are busted Casper… Who you going to call?”

*Police slams the door closed, and does the Ghost Buster dance.*


Ok- work...got to get my work done.



23:04 Jan 13 2010

LOL You Are Too Funny Girl!!


That feeling of relief....

21:27 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 1,910

I miss this feeling.

When you are stressed out, ready to scream so loud to just release the pressure in your head, heart...

And someone, a person you call a friend, steps up and solves the problem for you.


I love the ??stun, overwhelmed feeling I get of gratitude is wonderful.

And it makes me want to help others who are at the point of screaming.

Thanks to Robert at ADT- he has saved out company 10,000.00 today. Flat out did not have it, did not want to spend it at this time of the business outlook.

For this- I will bake him something as a gift.


*remembers how that came out last time*

Ok- maybe a gift card instead.




02:14 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 1,934

I remember you…

When I watch a sunrise

When I drive on a curvy road

When I ask questions to learn something new

When I want to share a joke

When I start to cry

When I start to pull my hair in frustration

When I feel the darkness closing in

When I can feel the light touch my face

When I figure out a problem

When I laugh at a stupid mistake

When I look to my future

When I look at my past

When I see what my life has become at last

I remember you…

When I look into a mirror

When I look into my eyes

When I see my smile

When I look at my face

I remember you…

When I look within to my soul

When I feel your love for me

I remember you.

Happy Birthday Daddy.



02:17 Jan 12 2010


02:29 Jan 12 2010


02:30 Jan 12 2010


That's beautiful...

03:30 Jan 12 2010

*tear* I just lost my father recently and that's a perfect poem!

07:06 Jan 12 2010

*Swoops in and cuddles with Rat* Beautiful poem from a Beautiful Lady

15:55 Jan 12 2010


22:36 Jan 12 2010

Never again say you are not a poet, I have the tears to prove you touched my heart. *hugs you tight*


22:52 Jan 11 2010
Times Read: 1,949

It is snowing! And this time it is nice big flakes. Now only if it will last for 24 hours... yeap... ass hole to a ten foot Indian is the goal.


Oh hush up Birdy- you said we could have snow damn it.

Work was fun today- out in the cold in the AM, then leaving work still needing done to sit in the office with the ADT man working on the alarm. He is coming back in the morning. Seems we have two issues- the phone line they replaces is not letting the alarm have the line first, then back to the phones, reason it is "taking" our phone lines every hour or so no matter if you are on it or not.

2- the jacks are losing two much power when we use the phones. Seems the alarm has to have a steady amount and when we use the phone it triggers the alarm that the line is down, sets off the warnings/alerts.

But this man, Robert, has been our service man for 23 years. He has been with ADT for 38. He is able to pick the route he wants and we are on it. :) He is also the only one who understands the alarm. It is 12 years old and only once before this gave us an issue that took him and two phone tech to fix. Hope this is not going to turn into another one of those.

Last guy who tried to work on it kept telling me it needs updated, and I told Robert if we need to we will. But I think it has pissed him off now and he wants to fix it now (not let it get the best of him) "No. I just have to track down why it is doing this."

:) He said he was going to call another tech on the way home and talk to him about it, as well as pull the books on the system. In other words- he is damn well going to get it to work.

Got to love man like that, not willing to give up.

World needs more of them.

Ok- off to go watch the snow at sunset...such beauty.



00:41 Jan 12 2010

If we get snow it better be that deep to stop classes.

Otherwise....no snow...dang it.

01:37 Jan 12 2010

Okay you can have it waist high this one time then we're done okay?


This is better? Right?

04:07 Jan 11 2010
Times Read: 1,977

Now that Otter has said my avatar looks like me coming in for a kiss- I have changed it to another. I never notice it but now that she said it… it is bothering the heck out of me. Thing is I built my profile around those pictures so I had to pick another one. Hmm… but this one might not be any better. I mean…for the males that I frequent their journals. Because of the mouth… oh never mind. I am sure it is just me seeing it that way.

But then I don’t read that many male journals. On my favorites are-

Birra- that would be creepy if he said anything. I mean…he belongs to Otter. He is like…neutered or something in my mind.

Bones- well…ok. He will get a dig in I am sure.

Cancer- he doesn’t write much so he will not see it. Even if he did he would never say anything.

KCRC- I will hit him with a rubber mallet if he does in GA this weekend. Then give it to his wife to hit him with in a more fun place.

Wildchild- O.o *pulls out a shotgun*

Either way- it doesn’t look like I am going to try and kiss you.

All is well again.

Till Otter sees it. O.o



04:27 Jan 11 2010

Are you still without people? O.o

04:56 Jan 11 2010

Well yes I am...does it show? lol

19:01 Jan 11 2010

hahah don't pull the shotgun.. he might think it's an invitation for forplay! ;)

I love your eyes. They look like honey. Very beautiful.

19:12 Jan 11 2010

aren't shot guns for weddings?

22:32 Jan 11 2010

LOL Well they are in my neck of the woods. ;)

But in your case..more of a warning.

Thank You PD- :) That is very nice of you to say.

22:51 Jan 11 2010

So foreplay it is..

01:36 Jan 12 2010

Sugar I hate to tell you but this one looks like you're about to slip em some tongue *runs and hides*


4 days without people....

03:49 Jan 10 2010
Times Read: 1,999

*Rat throws the pillows off the couch, the blanket.*

I know you are here… stop hiding from me damn it.

*tugs on the couch cushions*

Give it up- you are going to be found. You will be MINE!

*Rat sits on her knees, pushing the couch seat down, claws going along the edge…to only feel it within her claw..pulling it out with a yell*


*Holds the remote control to the air she gives out a laugh of glee.*


Ok- rat should not be alone for this many days.



03:52 Jan 10 2010

you sure you were not searching for cheese hehehehe?

14:56 Jan 10 2010

Okay that's it, today get your furry behind over here you're just too dangerous to leave alone this long.

15:58 Jan 10 2010

rat is referring to herself in the third person... not a good sign, nope definitely not a good sign.

21:25 Jan 10 2010


This is what happens when you want SNOW.


00:47 Jan 10 2010
Times Read: 2,022

Have to say I enjoyed reading the ideas people have about sex and flirting in the Vamp Box as I eat corn dogs.

Just think of it... the shape of the dog, me licking the mustard off the tip just before I take it into my mouth and bite, enjoying the juice as the breading is torn open...heat...goodness.

Yeap- those who enjoy talking about sex are bad bad people.

Here is to ToiletDuc- you stood up to the comments. And Bones- you really are a dirty old man...Mr. Snow woman builder. lol




01:09 Jan 10 2010

If I build a snow woman I'll have to buy it a bikini and that would be awkward. Wanna go shopping? ;)

01:16 Jan 10 2010

But it keeps the rest of us grinning!


23:19 Jan 09 2010
Times Read: 2,037

Do it once and I can understand. Twice? Starting to think something is wrong with me.


Nuff said.



23:24 Jan 09 2010

There's nothing wrong with you, it's just natural for you to be dreaming about..... Me! ;)

23:41 Jan 09 2010

*rolls eyes* Dang- you are on to me...

23:59 Jan 09 2010

Wait... I forgot the *wink* ;)


19:56 Jan 08 2010
Times Read: 2,070

For sell- one very fat and mean red headed woodpecker.

He is great at making holes in wood- please note the hole in the picture of my front porch.

He also has the talent of “pecking” to let you know the bird feeders are empty. Be it at sunrise or sunset- trust me he will let you know.

Snow, sleet, or rain will not keep him from doing this job. And god forbid you don’t fill up the feeder by Friday as Saturday sleep in means nothing to this bird.

And he will not stop till you refill the feeders. Even if you have to go to the store.

*sighs as she sits and listen to the peck peck peck*

Forget selling him- I will give him away.

Even pay for the shipping damn it.

*pulls on socks and shoes*

I am coming god damn it…give it a break you freak of nature you.

*Smiles at you*

So just contact me if you think this lovely bird would make a great addition to your yard.

*goes out to feed the birds singing Wanted Dead or Alive*



20:06 Jan 08 2010

give him some peanut butter, he should be cleaning his beak for HOURS! We used to do it to shut our parrot up! Have fun with him...LOL

21:04 Jan 08 2010

Can we makes him into kitty food? I know a real nice kitty who LOVES to have birds for breakfast! Or lunch...or dinner....LMAO.

22:16 Jan 08 2010

and you think my kids are demanding o-o

03:05 Jan 10 2010

You know I had a robin that would come to my window and peck at it... I thought the bird was crazy till one day it did that and then my cats ran into the room and the bird would sit and taunt them by flying away but keeping in sight of the window... waiting... until the cats went to leave the room- then it would fly back and peck at window to get the cats to come back... makes me wonder what I missed when I was at work o.O


17:14 Jan 08 2010
Times Read: 2,078

*taps fingers on the table*

Ok- I am bored after three days at home.




17:35 Jan 08 2010

*faints* Not you!!!!

20:51 Jan 08 2010

Pass out right beside the Cat.......OMG.........YOU?????


Just fits... LOL!

22:56 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 2,087




16:23 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 2,092

Cold outside. Not the snow I wanted... as Birdy put is "ass high to an ten foot Indian" but still...

I am home today due to the cold and no jobs on the books. So time to put the homemade chill on the stove to heat back up, whole chicken in the roaster. :)

Whole day at home...what to do?




23:03 Jan 07 2010

knowing you.... getting into trouble!


09:27 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 2,104

My last make up article has been rated 89 times. 29 of those are stamps asking me to rate them back, telling what coven or house they are in, the position they are in and that they do not give out tens unless I earn it, and to add their journal, friend, stalk them.

Again- make the articles a stamp free zone I say. I can stamp a written article people put time and effort into but I can't a copy paste listing of a vampire bat shape toothbrush in the database?

But those that do leave a comment- thank you. Reason I do them are your input.

Now that LDK is online- I am off to sleep. :)



09:48 Jan 07 2010

Pretty lame huh...


08:53 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 2,108

And I wait to see that the drama in the vamp box is calming before I give into sleep...


Come on guys- stop being mean to each other. I will get in a grumpy mood if you keep me up. You will not like me in a grumpy mood.

Not that I could do a lot but still...




Can't sleep stupid acting..

08:28 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 2,112


red headed, model, vampire.....

craving after blood, nightly lifestyle, dominatrix...

wild, oncontrolable, sexxxy


oncontrolable? WTH? Is that when you are on the controlable? Is it kind of like you being on top?

And by the way...

Doesn't this just fit us all? I mean..*smooths her hair down and smiles sexxxy like*

Well but for the oncontrolabe part. ;)


" give me a piece of life and I shall give you a piece of death"

Why does no one bring pie? You never see pie being offered.

And the newest ports...

Can you make yourself look any more like the cubby teenager who has never been laid? Cheerleader? Really?

lol :)




08:14 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 2,113

With Cat coming online here, back from her Dr. apt, Birdy and I had lots of questions to ask her. So a private chat was made here on the site so we could talk. Gosh...what did we do before VR? lol

We even drag one of the "out of towner" Ky Gal in- Meeper. :) Great to chat with her and Birdy and I both agree we miss the Wolf House chat nights.

We must do that again- invite a few more friends into the chat on here. :) Great fun.

I went to bed but was unable to sleep. Called Birdy just after 1100 pm to tell her of the weather update. We ended up talking for two hours. lol

Now it is 3:12 am here and I am awake again. Oh well... nothing rating would not fix.

Again- what did I do before VR? Sleeping pills when it got really bad, but a half a hour rating and it is nighty night for me.

Or I could call Birdy and tell her it is not snowing yet.


Safer to rate I think. :)




08:04 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 2,115

First Tiger getting caught screwing around (tries to act stun..hello? An sexy man above the age of 80...what did you think he would do?) but now this....

*rolls eyes* You think with all the money she spends she would have someone who would of gotten her out of there before she made an ass of herself.




00:54 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 2,134

I swear to god... he would be worth the freaking block cost...




01:11 Jan 07 2010

composite or concrete?


21:07 Jan 05 2010
Times Read: 2,155

IE and me are not getting along. AOL homepage loads, I click on a website, try to log in or go to another page...and I get redirected to spam. Can't even back up..more spam and more spam till I close it.

Grrr.. I used my Norton security scan- nothing. Firefox works so...

A restart?

I can wait till Cat is able to work on it. :)

Till then- might not be on as much.



21:24 Jan 05 2010

OOOOPERA! lol I hope it starts working for you!

21:28 Jan 05 2010

hope it resolves soon, without you the site is... boring.

Sorry no offence to the master trouble maker but without The Rat...vr would be, like pepsi without the bubbles.


02:17 Jan 05 2010
Times Read: 2,178

It would be so mean ... but so cool if the last stage of the contest is a picture of Cancer..or a video of him asking you a question of "Who is your prince now, bitch?"




02:19 Jan 05 2010

That would be funny to see

02:56 Jan 05 2010

I will never see it! lol

15:50 Jan 05 2010

OMG that would be priceless!

19:01 Jan 05 2010

that is a fantasy not reality hun, then again ending a dream with that would be...hum... oups nevermind me I got to go clean something, my dishes is screaming for me hehehe


20:07 Jan 04 2010
Times Read: 2,198

Looking at the comments on some of my make up articles and found this one:

excellent article

interestingly enough - this article led me to Vampire Rave


Well that is coolness.




20:16 Jan 04 2010

See you rock in more ways than one *wink*

20:26 Jan 04 2010

I'm sure you ment to have a linky thing in there... no? Feels like you meant it...

20:42 Jan 04 2010

see , you are a guiding light to others

20:49 Jan 04 2010


19:02 Jan 05 2010

you're a light in the darkness of the Dark Network :)


Not another one...

11:09 Jan 04 2010
Times Read: 2,235

*Checking profile- half asleep*

Hello my name is Raven. The name given to me by my human family is Jessica. I have been a vampire for a very long time. I live where ever there is a supplies of fresh human blood. I only go out in the day when I have to. My life is of the night. My blood line can be traced back for centuries. I rule over my kingdom. I'm not scared of death. I laugh in the face of death. I would never think twice about attacking a human for blood.

*yeah yeah...lived for ever...family never notice you never aged...you pop out of your mother an adult. Think- if you never age... good lord think of the diapers you would have to buy for a vampire that never aged...*

I must dare say though that I am only terrified to know that I can never trully love some one. That I will never trully die. I await the arrival of my soule mat. Until then I make due with the humakn guys. I bare my fangs at any one and everything. I'm a high school student. I roam the night for my dinner. I have my familiars around. I have one loyal human servant. She listens and obeys. I use her for food when I am in need. I try not to kill my prey but I can not help but not have any self control when it comes to drinking to drinking the sweet nectar of life.

*soule mat? Is that like the TV ad for the cloth that picks up like a gallon of water before you ring it out? You bare your fangs to anyone...but... Vampire 101- stay hidden. You do need to go to school. Roam the night for food? Try McD's... cheap food there. Just pull up and yank it out the window. Hmmm taste like chicken... and yes- I want fries with that. Great- now I am hungry*

I try to protect the innocent and destroy the bad. I will always protect my people. I only use my human family as a decoy to throw off any one who comes to close to finding out my secret. I may hide in the shadows but I will never lie to myself to who I really am.

*Hide in the shadows but bare your fangs to anyone? Now... is that anyway for you to talk about your human family? Nothing else they are food. Where is Uncle Ned? I don't know... Never lie to myself to who I really am? O.o You had to go there, didn't ya? I am going back to bed Miss Vampire. I hope you are still here when I wake up. Slayer haunt this site...bet you wish you had not join a vampire site and brag all about being one, don't ya? Stay hidden and all. lol*



14:01 Jan 04 2010

I like soule mats.

I have them in my car. They're easy to clean and they look TERRIFIC.

14:54 Jan 04 2010

Soule mats, for the rugged spirit at work rest or play.

14:54 Jan 04 2010


Damnit that's what I've been doing wrong! I'm looking for a soul mate not a soul mat.

Seriously- my life to this point has been waisted on something that I could have bought at costco or canadian tire. *sigh*

16:00 Jan 04 2010

LMAO!!!! Nice.

17:25 Jan 04 2010

Oh lordy...

18:00 Jan 04 2010

and then it is said that people have no imagination anymore!


23:45 Jan 03 2010
Times Read: 2,253

It is freaking cold here. As in "We have no jobs, I am not heating the office just to answer the phone" Monday morning work day. Sis and I have talked- she is answering the phone at home (forward it to Mom's home) and I will be ready to come to work if someone or a truck comes in.

But I have to go to the store sometime Monday.

I am almost out of the most important thing to have ....

*looks around and whispers to you*

Toilet Paper.


As in limit two sheets for doing number 1

Three for doing number 2.


Now ain't you glad you read that? LOL





00:37 Jan 04 2010

HA HA HAAAAAH Just desserts for wanting this cold weather so NO COMPLAINTS from the Rat section of the ZOO......

None........don't want to hear it!! Yup..I went there..lol

01:08 Jan 04 2010

Hey I sent my sister to walmart for that item earlier you should have sent up a smoke signal! lol


05:50 Jan 03 2010
Times Read: 2,273

This website show you the pictures of a upcoming fashion mag. It shows two models- one a normal size 2, the other a more normal size. They call her plus size...I call her thin myself.

Crystal Renn -- a 5 ft, 9 in. beauty with 36-31-41 measurements -- opposite model-on-the-rise Jacquelyn Jablonski who stands at the same height as Renn, but with more waifish stats: 32-24-34.

They are dress in the same fashion, same poses, same hair style.

Care to look and see which one you like best?


To me- it has to be the "plus" one. Her legs, hips are nicer.

Wonder how long till the press gets the idea we like curves? That we have them?



06:13 Jan 03 2010

They both look great!

07:39 Jan 03 2010

I might be dating myself here, but fashion went to pot since Twiggy came on scene.

Prior to her, everyone that had curves was "acceptable". Its models like Twiggy and Jacquelyn, that makes girls believe that starving themselves, is the best way to look.

I like Crystal Renn. Although I wouldn't consider a size 12, as plus size. I would consider that more the norm, for todays day and age.

19:53 Jan 03 2010

I agree with you VW that the "plus" size model looks better. She seems to fit the outfit a lot better with her curves filling it in.


20:39 Jan 02 2010
Times Read: 2,287


One make-up look down...one or two more to try out.

Got to LOVE long weekends.




Kind of sucks...

14:50 Jan 02 2010
Times Read: 2,300

4 days off work- having to work one of those kind of.

Now being woke up at 8:10 am on Sat by my sister as the puppy found out it was snowing when she had to go out to pee this morning.

And that the wind chill is 11.

But the snow is nice. It is the thick white stuff...drifting down. :)

*goes to watch out the window, wrap in a blanket*

Guess it is pancakes for brunch in a few hours.



15:03 Jan 02 2010

Awww YAY snow! :D

23:23 Jan 02 2010

I just knew you'd enjoy the beauty of it :)


03:38 Jan 02 2010
Times Read: 2,320

When I see his face with a message in my inbox- I always think..."Now what did I do?" LOL

Not that he has ever said or lead me to think he would be hateful about any mistake I have made on his site. In fact- he is a cool dude.

And when the problem is done...do you send back "Thanks. Have a great night."? Nooo... you leave the busy man alone. Right? I am sure he doesn't think that as me being rude. I mean..he has enough silly comments to not add to them.

Yeah. I am not rude, just don't want to bother the man.


But I just can't help having this little uneasy feeling...those manners are drilled into me. lol

And that is enough silly crap from me now- off to bed.



04:18 Jan 02 2010

I know right? I always say thank you though. I just feel weird not saying anything....but I feel like even the thank you bugs him LOL

04:51 Jan 02 2010

Then how about the occassional message just saying...

"Hey man- thanks. You are appreciated."

Not frequent and in-box filling, but gets the message through.

17:19 Jan 02 2010

Yeah, I have the same issue. To thank or not to thank, I'm sure he knows it is implied but...sometimes I do, sometimes I don't *shrugs*.


02:55 Jan 02 2010
Times Read: 2,329

You know the times when you have a song stuck in your head... and you just can't name it?

Well I got something as bad...

A music video keeps playing in my head. I am trying to remember the song, the beat is stuck in my head. I can tell you what the video is like...the lady hanging from a rope, him seeing her when he comes in, bathing her dead body, flash backs to them together.

Great-Now this sucks.



03:00 Jan 02 2010

Almost sounds like the Tom Petty song with Kim Basinger in the video.

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